About Me
Hello, I'm Thomas. It's good that you came to visit.
I'm a senior at Case Western Reserve University, class of 2016, studying computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mathematics.
My third summer internship was with National Instruments in Austin, Texas. I worked with the the Dynamic Signal Acquisition team to develop the digital components of ever-better precision analog PXIe devices. It was another good summer of developing technical experience in digital signal processing and hardware description languages for myself and for industry.
This is a continuous work-in-progress of mine to better establish a web presence. As with any web presence and any person's life, this is progressively improving, even if in sudden bursts. So, please take a read and feel free to reach out to me @ThomasRMurphy.
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My Projects
- Point-to-Point Microwave Radio My planned senior project: 1Gpbs Ethernet over a 10GHz microwave link. More details and resources to come once it is underway.
- SmartMesh IP Sensor Demonstration My internship project with Embedded Planet summer of 2014. I prototyped with Linear Tech's Smartmesh IP low-power mesh network system and built the user tasks for the On-Chip SDK to poll an assortment of sensors and log the data produced by those sensors. The complete project included the EPM2M-SM-IO populated circuit board, the user tasks that interface with the OCSDK, a Python script using the SmartmeshSDK to log all data received by the mesh network manager, and extensive internal documentation to allow for continued development of SmartMesh IP systems.
- YAMS: Awesome MIPS Server I was a member of this team for the CWRU EECS 314 (Computer Architecture) final project, helping implement a static HTTP server in MIPS, using MARS as a simulator. It's a limited HTTP 1.0 host, with some added features. Sockets were implemented by extending MARS syscalls in Java. I completed the file interaction interface to built-in MARS syscalls, managed the content for the final report, and provided the source image that became our 72MB bitmap to demonstrate the implementation's bandwidth.
- ADB to USB Converter Boards My implementations of the popular Atmel ATMEGA32U2 microcontroller for the open source firmware available online. These are reasonably casual forays into the land of PCB design and manufacturing, but no less of an interesting process. The small design that fits inside the Apple Extended Keyboard and Apple Keyboard (mid-1980s ALPS brown keyboards) is very convenient and allows for easy daily use with no loose circuit board.
- ADB to USB Converter Firmware The firmware for my Apple Desktop Bus interface converter. This is essentially a selective fork of tmk_keyboard to give me the ability to finalize the configurations required for my hardware implementations. I implemented my own hardware to utilize this open-source firmware.
- List Unsubscribe Guide A short guide in Markdown I wrote to better inform CWRU students about the solutions to the most popular request: "Please unsubscribe me from this list."
My Experience
National Instruments
Digital Hardware Engineering Intern.As a member of the Dynamic Signal Acquisition team, I worked on creating innovative digital signal processing implementations in FPGAs for precision analog I/O products from NI.
Case Western Reserve University
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant.As TA, I supported all aspects of CWRU's EECS 301, Digital Logic Laboratory. Throughout the semester I contributed to lectures, assisted students, improved the project prompts, developed reference designs for the projects, and graded student project reports.
Embedded Planet
Engineering Intern.My summer internship involved the development of an entire non-production product from concept to prototype testing and validation. A more lengthy description is provided in My Projects.
Software Engineering Intern.In my full-time summer and part-time two semesters, I prototyped and analyzed innovative big-data search and storage technologies. The "big names" include Cloudera Search, Solr, HBase, and Parquet.
My Education

Case Western Reserve
University, Class of 2016
I have finished my third year at CWRU and am pursuing majors in computer engineering (BSE), electrical engineering (BSE), and mathematics (BA) along with a minor in studio art (photography). My involvement on campus includes Hacker Society/ACM (secretary) and the Case Reserve Review (photography editor). My other home on campus is the circuits lab, where I can be found both working and procrastinating very frequently.

Maine School of Science and
Mathematics, Class of 2012
A little blip in northern Maine, I attended MSSM for the latter three years of high school. In my time living between the potato fields, I first really programmed, competed locally and nationally in mathematics, and generally prepared well for time in Cleveland.